Functional Insertion Sort in ATS
by Timmy Jose
I had presented a functional merge sort implementation in a previous blog. Here is an example of a functional implemeentation of insertion sort in ATS:
#include "share/atspre_define.hats"
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
staload "libats/ML/SATS/basis.sats"
staload STDLIB = "libats/libc/SATS/stdlib.sats"
staload TIME = "libats/libc/SATS/time.sats"
staload UN = "prelude/SATS/unsafe.sats"
staload RG = "contrib/atscntrb/atscntrb-hx-mytesting/SATS/randgen.sats"
staload "contrib/atscntrb/atscntrb-hx-mytesting/DATS/randgen.dats"
staload "libats/ML/SATS/list0.sats"
staload "libats/ML/DATS/list0.dats"
typedef lte (a: t@ype) = (a, a) -> bool
fun{a: t@ype}
(e: a, xs: list0 a, lte: lte a): list0 a =
case+ xs of
| list0_nil() => list0_cons(e, list0_nil())
| list0_cons(x, xs) when e \lte x => list0_cons{a}(e, list0_cons{a}(x, xs))
| list0_cons(x, xs) => list0_cons{a}(x, insert<a>(e, xs, lte))
fun{a: t@ype}
(xs: list0 a, lte: lte a): list0 a =
case+ xs of
| list0_nil() => list0_nil()
| list0_cons(x, xs) => insert<a>(x, insertion_sort<a>(xs, lte), lte)
macdef INTMAX = 1000L
typedef T1 = int
implement $RG.randgen_val<T1>() = let
val x = $STDLIB.lrand48() mod INTMAX in $UN.cast2int(x)
typedef T2 = double
implement $RG.randgen_val<T2>() = $STDLIB.drand48()
implement main0 () = {
#define N 10
val xs1 = $RG.randgen_list<T1>(N)
val () = fprintln!(stdout_ref, "before sorting:\t", xs1)
val xs1 = g0ofg1(xs1)
val ys1 = insertion_sort<int>(xs1, lam (x, y) => x <= y)
val ys1 = g1ofg0(ys1)
val () = fprintln!(stdout_ref, "after sorting (ascending): ", ys1)
val () = print_newline()
val xs2 = $RG.randgen_list<T2>(N)
val () = fprintln!(stdout_ref, "input:\t", xs2)
val xs2 = g0ofg1(xs2)
val ys2 = insertion_sort<double>(xs2, lam (x, y) => x >= y)
val ys2 = g1ofg0(ys2)
val () = fprintln!(stdout_ref, "after sorting (descending): ", ys2)
val () = print_newline()
Running it:
$ make insertion_sort && ./insertion_sort
acc pc -DATS_MEMALLOC_LIBC -o insertion_sort insertion_sort.dats
before sorting: 618, 587, 491, 623, 517, 565, 914, 197, 519, 566
after sorting (ascending): 197, 491, 517, 519, 565, 566, 587, 618, 623, 914
input: 0.691004, 0.058859, 0.899854, 0.163546, 0.159072, 0.533065, 0.604144, 0.582699, 0.269971, 0.390478
after sorting (descending): 0.899854, 0.691004, 0.604144, 0.582699, 0.533065, 0.390478, 0.269971, 0.163546, 0.159072, 0.058859